Error E18 on Sorvall ST40 centrifuge

Is your Thermo Sorvall ST40 centrifuge displaying Error 18 ? Is it stopping you spinning your samples ?

Let us help you by offering a free no obligation quotation to get your centrifuge back up and running free from error 18.

Simply send us your name, address, phone number and centrifuge serial number to

How to recover your samples from your Heraeus Megafuge 40 or 40R centrifuge ?

Are your samples stuck in your Heraeus Megafuge 40 or 40R centrifuge ?
Below is a short video which we have put together to help you recover your samples.


Please leave enough time for the rotor inside your centrifuge to slow down and stop spinning. You need to be 100% sure that the rotor has stopped spinning before carrying out the manual override procedure.

Failure to do this could result in serious injury.

If you are unsure about doing this please contact a trained centrifuge engineer.