Error E18 on Sorvall ST40 centrifuge

Is your Thermo Sorvall ST40 centrifuge displaying Error 18 ? Is it stopping you spinning your samples ?

Let us help you by offering a free no obligation quotation to get your centrifuge back up and running free from error 18.

Simply send us your name, address, phone number and centrifuge serial number to

Error 3 on Shandon Cytospin 4

Are you unable to use your Shandon Cytospin 4 because it is displaying an Error 3 message.

Simply send us your name, address and serial number of your centrifuge to and we will send you a quotation to repair it and get it back up and running.

How to recover your samples from your Heraeus Megafuge 40 or 40R centrifuge ?

Are your samples stuck in your Heraeus Megafuge 40 or 40R centrifuge ?
Below is a short video which we have put together to help you recover your samples.


Please leave enough time for the rotor inside your centrifuge to slow down and stop spinning. You need to be 100% sure that the rotor has stopped spinning before carrying out the manual override procedure.

Failure to do this could result in serious injury.

If you are unsure about doing this please contact a trained centrifuge engineer.

How to recover your samples from your Eppendorf 5810 & 5810R ?

Are your samples stuck in your Eppendorf 5810 or 5810R centrifuge ?
Below is a short video which we have put together to help you recover your samples.


Please leave enough time for the rotor inside your centrifuge to slow down and stop spinning. You need to be 100% sure that the rotor has stopped spinning before carrying out the manual override procedure.

Failure to do this could result in serious injury.

If you are unsure about doing this please contact a trained centrifuge engineer.

Does the lid on your centrifuge fall shut ?

If the answer to this question is yes then it is probably time that you changed the lid struts which holds the lid of your centrifuge upright.

The lid struts should be checked to ensure they are effective in preventing the lid from falling onto the end users hands or head when loading and unloading the centrifuge.

A good rule to follow is if the lid of your centrifuge holds at a 45 degree angle then the strut is doing its job. If it falls when put at a greater angle than 45 degrees then it is probably a good time to get the strut or struts changed.

Most mid range benchtop centrifuges will probably have one strut and larger benchtop centrifuges will have two struts. Below is a picture of a centrifuge that has two struts:-

Is it easy to change a lid strut? It depends which model of centrifuge you have in the lab.  Some models are very straight forward and others are a little more complex.